co-created by three friends, antinarrative is an alternative voice emerging against the current literary landscape. we seek to challenge the rigid colonial perspectives governing the creative world by making a space where marginalized artists and writers can authentically be themselves, without ever feeling like they need to conform their craft to fit the white gaze or compete against others for recognition.
these days, so much of art and writing prioritizes the individual end result: awards won, journal acceptances, pieces published, the like. antinarrative doesn't care about any of that. to us, the most important thing is the journey, and the people that we meet along the road. storytelling is almost never a solo endeavor, and that's the ethos antinarrative strives to reflect. from acceptance to finalization, our entire creative process is built around the idea of working together and combining skills and ideas to make a community- not just a publication. antinarrative is open to any youth creative of color, regardless of experience level. we especially encourage diasporic and intersectional voices to submit. we welcome all genres, but particularly enjoy seeing experimental or interdisciplinary pieces. ✶✶✶✶ read more about us in our feature for gal-dem magazine. |